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Proposals for neurodivergent IT

Adapted from a recent LinkedIn post of mine

This is the latest version of this new slide-deck. Some key excerpts follow below.

On Strategy 1:

“How civil society can fight back on all life's battlefields

This author proposes two business structures:

  1. Nio Kvinnor (powered by Never Meet Again + Complexify Me) | (Nio Kvinnor #CVL)

  2. Nio Kvinnor (powered by Complexify Lab) | (Nio Kvinnor #MIL)

1. Nio Kvinnor #CVL, the first one to be developed, works outwards from civil society only: neither security nor military organisations, their direct interests, nor individuals related primarily to the same.

The primary objective of this revised approach is to empower citizens and their societies with an urgency everyone now understands. Ordinary citizens already find themselves in complex battlefields their governments have been failing to fight effectively: the cognitive and hybrid domains.

If we achieve this objective, humanity on the various battlefields of life will be able to fight back better on equal terms in its day-to-day and from the grassroots of lived experience, whatever the battlefield in question actually is: from Ukraine to climate change, to social networks, disinformation more widely, and even out-and-out, self-interested lies from leaders in all activities and sectors.


In The Three Rs of Tech, historical tech solutions are recovered, current ones are repurposed, and new ones are researched. In New Lean, an accurate and ultimately legitimate software discovery makes a focused, niche and smaller-scale software & hardware development as profitable as "scattergun" Big Tech. And with Nio Kvinnor's special purpose technology IT, all the above elements enable instead of inhibit creative thinking processes in a civil society that deserves to win all its wars."

On Strategy 2:

"Strategy 2 involves a PhD proposal – not PhD-level research outwith the parameters of a public university, but a PhD proposal independent of security and military oversight.

The reason for this is so that the research in question will have a public utility that serves to benefit all civil society as soon as is humanly possible: a civil society and citizenry currently suffering its losses on all kinds of battlefields, in and amongst all human activities and endeavours across the globe, wherever we find ourselves: in democracy or totalitarianism.

Strategy 2's research shall be praxis-based from the very first year, and will therefore involve deliverables of an almost immediate nature: these will benefit a civil society currently unfairly abandoned by many nation-state security agencies and armed forces, in the face of an increasingly creative extreme criminality, especially in the domains of cognitive and hybrid warfare."

If you'd like to contact me to explore the above offline, this is my non-#microsoft/non-#google email address: