PhD 2529 | 2023: Proposal Two

  • moral high ground, universal values, truth

    a natural justice vs criminal justice

    rebuilding the FEARless CITIZEN

    authoritarianism, totalitarianism

    gaslighting, an extreme creative criminality, neo-terrorism on the individual


    • Eliminate loopholes and related societal harm in 20 years

    • Eliminate all common crime in 13 years, alongside a tech-driven gaslighting in 7 years

    • Deliver a new Natural Justice that makes it impractical for future Putins to exert their power

    • Act legally from now on – everyone, everywhere, without exception


  • Our Need: #NoFutureUkraines

    The need is self-evident: the state sponsored and private-sector tech-driven gaslighting of Ukraine, Europe, and even a wider world economy, leading to a constant socioeconomic dislocation, needs not only to be stopped now, but anticipated more proactively in the future. This future needs to be a collective one, too: not only a future we can one day all look forward to, but a shared future present. No more jam tomorrow …

    What #Ukraine is Suffering: Hyper-Creative Criminality

    There is a concept from the 19th century called “dark figure”. It invokes the idea that maybe 2040 percent of all criminal activity is invisible to our current systems. It’s hard to prove, of course; by its very nature. But if in the 19th century it was considered thus, reconsider now – in a hugely technological time of constant and effervescent change –whether it could be any less …

    Mil’s Theorem says the following:

    “If I, with my limited intellectual and financial resources, can imagine a creative new way of committing criminal acts, someone with more of both resources will already have considered and be acting on it. Ergo, we don’t, in digital times, need to evidence in traditional ways that new crimes exist. We only have to think them up for us to realise they assail us somehow.”

  • Our Problem: Technology, Individuals, and Teams

    The hyper-criminality already mentioned arches over Western and related democratic cycles.

    An example: Putin’s Russia is able to freely and secretly strategise the long-term dislocation of our socioeconomic and sociomilitary infrastructures and dynamics, impacting dramatically on our levels of trust in each other, as well as our ability to duly focus on achieving an ongoing sense of real purpose. Our technology is hyper-vigilant it’s true, but Putin’s terrible nonconformism remains impervious to us: / | on the digital #panopticon that total surveillance has become, and what it is doing to our capacity to think creatively | why humans are considered the strongest link in criminality but the weakest link in security (and much more)

    Meantime, our own capacity to fight back in as creatively nonconformist ways as those of our enemies is fatally influenced by the hyper-vigilance of our total-surveillance philosophies, which impact on our shared capacity to think as freely as we used to, much more than it now does on our enemies:

    This is the situation, then, as I now see it:

    • our technology fails to hobble the creative criminals as we would prefer, even as it hinders our own capacity to think as ingeniously as we might – and they do

    • as individuals trapped more and more in self-serving machines, increasingly failing to reach the heights of nonconformist thinking enabled by the early days of computer technology – when it was nothing more than a PC with a hard drive that only we saw the contents of – we are also failing our citizens as professionals and ourselves as human beings

    And by so doing, we not only continue to enable this Russian invasion of Ukraine, but will surely enable many more in the future.

  • This #phd proposal was designed in Stockholm Sweden in 2023, when I first encountered the Swedish way at fairly close hand:

    This proposal here uses a basic discourse and structure built out of four bootcamps, in three documents.

    1. Who wants in? Bootcamps 1 & 2 — achieving consensus and buy-in

    2. Who wants in? Bootcamp 3: Go-to-market — for investor functions

    3. Who wants in? Bootcamp 4: “Building the FEARless CITIZEN” — #theAIMproposition

    Whilst consensus is always a positive where it leads to purposeful politics and decisions that benefit natural justice, it’s not always the best yardstick of decision-making in times of real fracture such as now.

    This author will therefore always take the position that the moral high ground will always need to trump the majority opinion, where the latter clearly lacks, chooses to lack, or lacks through a manifest decision to remain ignorant of the matters being debated at any particular time.

    To quote Peter Levine, the US civic thinker, amongst many other things:

    ‘Often, we think that a process is “democratic” if everyone has an equal voice or impact–or at least an equal right to have an impact–on public decisions. Government is “efficient,” on the other hand, if it works well, generating public goods and reducing public “bads.”

    These two values may conflict. Mussolini is said to have made the trains run on time. I am on a plane, so I cannot check whether that is true, but if it is, it would be an example of efficiency without democracy. On the other hand, an endless meeting may be democratic but is not efficient. Given the complexities of administering large institutions, it seems that democratic values should predominate when major decisions are made (usually in elections and legislation). Efficiency should become paramount at the phase of implementation or administration, when the people’s will is enacted by professionals.

    […] What people actually talk about and try to accomplish when they participate democratically is solving problems. Politics is not a sport, in which rival teams compete for the love of the game. It is a purposive activity that matters only to the extent that problems are solved. A democratic process that is totally inefficient is worse than annoying and discouraging. It is actually a kind of contradiction. People can’t come together as equals to solve problems but not solve the problems. The proper measure of “democracy” encompasses efficiency as well as equality.

    Several points follow. First, if there is a tradeoff between equality of voice and efficiency, the conflict is internal to democracy. We may sometimes have to bite the bullet and reduce equality to enhance efficiency, in the name of democracy. On the other hand, if we value both, we should work to reduce the tradeoff. When equal voice enhances efficient outcomes, we have a clear win.’

    1. | past and current PhD proposals I’ve been making over the years and currently.

    2. | concrete proposals for near-term delivery of apps that could help construct #NoFutureUkraines.

    3. | a solid, structured, and well contrasted roadmap for the delivery of two applications in security-related fields, using a new software-discovery process called #NewLean

    4.| intuition validation biotools and bioweapons proposals

    5. | owning the #ConsultingFunction

    6. | on the importance of | an updated roadmap providing means, rationales, and outcome to achieve the goals of #BuildingtheFEARlessCITIZEN using a rigorous academia to bolster the above-mentioned in-house #ConsultingFunction

  • Please see the PDFs linked to below.

    The first is the full, macro, version of what eventually became the #buildingtheFEARlessCITIZEN proposition.

    The second, third and fourth are the separate bootcamps which structure the research paths suggested themselves.

    Finally, follow-up videos which represent intervening research of my own can be seen at the foot of this page.

    These are also available at the #phd2529 Background Review page, with other framing links and materials.

Why “2023: Proposal Two” feels less academic than “2018: Proposal One”

This page is on the latest version of a macro slide-deck I first designed and completed in Stockholm, Sweden, in 2023. It clearly won’t feel to most observers anything like a piece of academia should feel, even if writing out of the tradition of a cultural and sensory criminology.

I’d like to explain briefly why.


What started out as the seed of a clearly praxis-based PhD proposal with an interesting final goal — to engage in #buildingtheFEARlessCITIZEN [] — very soon morphed into something I ended up frustratedly claiming I would self-fund and/or self-publish, whatever [].

There were clearly elements of unnecessary pique in all of this, but my frustration really came from my failure to ultimately be able to achieve absolutely anything of scale, in the face of unremitting private-sector influencers (ie Silicon Valley-driven complicity, including a wider industry too), alongside UK national-security control (which energetically prevented any attempt I might make to study with impact and/or set up a business fully coherent with my grander designs in the fields of intuition-friendly/secrecy-positive software and hardware architectures [] | … and so on]).

Further key links to understand the journey I suffered follow:

There have been many other instances along the road: but what has been most saddening on my side is that whilst Big Tech’s machine-primacy doctrines have ruled the roost [], 9/11, Russia’s Putin, Hamas 2023, and quite a few others have shown us that on the really big occasions a criminally extreme human-primacy beats Big Tech’s feathering of its financial nests hands-down.

And it could be so different — in a totally complementary way, too: we could do both machine-primacy and human-primacy delivery for compatible and informing purposes …

So. Five years after 2018: Proposal One was rejected by my own university — Liverpool John Moores University, UK — without even a notification of rejection, and despite the support at the time of my dissertation supervisor, I felt the itch of academia in some way come again to my door.

Yet I was dispirited, too; I think after everything that had happened to me since 2002 onwards. The intellectual and personal dismay all seemed to come together, as my original ideas on what would later be called cognitive, hybrid and asymmetrical warfare — what back in 2018 I was already describing (out of deep lived experience) as “neo-terrorism on the individual” — were dismissed out-of-hand by a British security establishment whose doctrines on total surveillance and surveillance tech led them to actually reserve for themselves the offensive tools I was describing, in their own defensive- and counter-activities.

And so why not use the same tools for defending democracy …?

… well … primarily because the consequences of total-surveillance and surveillance-tech architectures [ |] — including all modern operating systems by design and purposeful, bottom-line intention — have been, over the years, to inhibit Western democracy’s counter-intelligence, counter-terrorist, and local and global law-enforcement professionals from developing and enhancing their collective capabilities to think half as freely on the biggest of occasions as a truly creative extreme criminality continues to [].

A human extreme criminality is, after all, the strongest link in crime. Why can’t equally flesh & blood citizens be considered the strongest link in crimefighting and related? Why do we necessarily have to be judged the weakest link in security — something to be replaced by Big Tech’s machines at the earliest opportunity?

Why not propose platforms like this?

Or technologies such as the H/M AGI described briefly in the video below [ |], which, similarly, I proposed a few years ago to AWS and its government partners, and as always found myself in the position of being firmly and finally rejected.

Click to go to the original “PhD 2023: Proposal Two” page on Nio Kvinnor

The “Intuition Validation Engine” and the future of Criminal Justice

Six things which need changing ASAP in tech, IT, and AI: a narrated slide-deck

“Crime Hunch (i)”: from a submission to the Berkeley SkyDeck Accelerator

“Complexify Me”: neuro-divergent complex-problem solutioning technologies (or the real problem with traditional startup …)

“Secrecy Plus”: fighting human fire with a human/machine AGI

“Human/machine AGI”: a narrated slide-deck on fighting fire with humans


PhD 2529 | 2018: Proposal One


PhD 2529 | Explore Proposal Three