PhD 2529 | Background Review
A resource hub of my own academia can be found at a Wordpress site of mine called, where links to my own academia from 2016-2017 and my International Criminal Justice MA at Liverpool John Moores University UK can be found.
The papers include subjects such as sousveillance and its curious absence from the worldwide web as a topic of conversation and debate; UN law and the original drafters of the mandates relating; and how the UK security infrastructure habitually repurposes mental health legislation for effecting national security ends.
This hub started life as a place of background reading to a second PhD proposal which was never presented, titled “Keeping it simple: Building the FEARless CITIZEN”:
At the heart of this proposal was a strategy called “The AIM proposition”, designed to make it possible for citizens in democracy to want to sustain the same, and citizens in authoritarianism and even totalitarianism itself to feel confident enough with the new tech architectures, legal codes and cultural mores and expectations to fight anti-democratic forces in their own backyards:
Deeper presentations of the above can be found here:
I have a multitude of online whitepapers.
The main web locations in order of appearance are as follows:
But a particularly interesting whitepaper can be found at a Wordpress blogsite I have which has mixed poetry, tech, philosophy and other related matters in equal degree: | on a human-friendly and human-positive AI: a formal defence and public safety proposal re a new kind of AI designed to support humans in the workplace, not replace them
Most of the non-process whitepapers of interest are to be found on two of the above:
On the Swedish societal brainstorming site, where I look to channel the huge Swedish appetite for transforming the world around them to excellent effect.
On the British-focused repository of all my historical thought and imagineering over the years, as well as new innovation and invention both, brought together at one site. This one is called
Meantime, and move closer and closer to providing concepts, ideation and imagineering which will lead to direct implementation of all the above-mentioned prior.
There is, however, tremendous overlap, and there are notable whitepapers, key in the progress of my thinking, at too.
Finally, twelve rather more extensive and philosophical essays in slide-deck format help to buttress the sense you might have of where I’m coming from all this time: | why we need a new IT that isolates rather than connects us | “one worst way”: how IT and AI aren’t what we need, and how this is deliberate | six things in tech that need to change ASAP | a human/machine AGI | more on a human/machine AGI | a summary of many years of thinking on security, safety and life | society as it could be | “natural justice”: a new kind of “criminal justice” | neuro-divergent complex-problem solutioning software and hardware architectures: intuition-friendly and secrecy-positive tools and platforms | the “complexify” lab | on revenge-ineering: a different kind of peacemaking | two approaches to rooting out totalitarianism: one, initiated by the states; the second, by the citizens
Many of my most recent blogposts are now to be found on my Linkedin feed:
Lately too, around once or twice a month, also at
In particular, I’d highlight the following: | recovering, repurposing and researching old, existing and new technologies | how men in tech control and women may prefer to organise, and what this means for what we might term “male” versus “female” brains
Also interesting is this one on how Silicon Valley and totalitarian governance increasingly parallel and intertwine their activities:
Finally, on early thoughts around what I have begun to call an “intuition corporation”:
Here are a few of the tech proposals I’ve made over the years, in what I hope I have remembered as an accurate chronological order:
Item description
Please see the videos and PDFs linked to below. The first video is an extended interview where I lay out, in a free-thinking way, what I think the validation of intuition could do for us all.
The “Intuition Validation Engine” and the future of Criminal Justice
Six things which need changing ASAP in tech, IT, and AI: a narrated slide-deck
“Crime Hunch (i)”: from a submission to the Berkeley SkyDeck Accelerator
“Complexify Me”: neuro-divergent complex-problem solutioning technologies (or the real problem with traditional startup …)
“Secrecy Plus”: fighting human fire with a human/machine AGI
“Human/machine AGI”: a narrated slide-deck on fighting fire with humans